Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Way Connection Group. 1 Peter 2:11-17

Name: Jeff Sandberg
Class:  The Way Connection Group     Topic:  1 Peter 2:11-17
Date:   10/27/2019                                    AUDIO
Last week, as we were taught to love each other by “laying aside…all evil speaking,” we were exhorted to grow as Christians desiring “the pure milk of the word.” This “word” teaches us we were chosen by God to “proclaim the praises of Him who has called (us) our of darkness and into His marvelous light,” celebrating the fact that, as believers, we have been given His amazing mercy.

This week, we take loving each other to the next level, starting with those whom were most hated by the Jews - the Gentiles. The following laundry list of outcasts and enemies reminds us of who we once were as unbelievers as we are called to not just tolerate them, but to love them, submit ourselves to them, and honor them. We are to do this because Jesus, himself, submitted himself to them and accepted death as a result of his offending them. It is strikingly acceptable when we “do well, and suffer for it,” as “we take it patiently.”
11 Beloved, I urge you as foreigners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, 
Beloved: from he root word for “agape” (C.S. Lewis pronounced it a-ga-PEE)
URGE: This is not like Gene Wilder (don’t. please. stop). This was urging, exhorting, almost pleading.
Having obtained mercy, as people who are just “passin’ through,” hold yourselves back from “animal appetites,” from animalistic behavior. Emotion Mind vs. Reason Mind. Animals don’t have this ability. Humans do.
Foreigners/pilgrims: Strangers, sojourners. Think of the Israelites on the night of passover. They were dressed ready to go at a moment’s notice. This was no normal sit-down meal. They were prepared to journey onward.
Hebrews 11:13???
Abstain: [Romans 8:13]. Paul equates abstaining from sin as mortifying the deeds of the body, otherwise called “killing sin.” QUOTE: You can either kill sin or sin will be killing you!
12 having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that while they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation. 
On the one hand, we are to abstain from animalistic, thoughtless, unthinking pleasures. On the other hand, we are not just to avoid those things but have our conduct honorable among the Gentiles “while they speak against you as evildoers.” 

John MacArthur notes: The early Christians were falsely accused of rebellion against the government with such false accusations as: terrorism (burning Rome), atheism (no idols or emperor worship), cannibalism (rumors about the Lord’s Supper), immorality (because of their love for one another), damaging trade and social progress, and leading slaves into insurrection.

…by your good works… In other words, they’ll witness real Christians doing really Christian things and check to find out the myths were wrong. They’ll see God as who he really is and not as the Roman government wanted them to see Him.

…day of visitation. This can either mean salvation or Jesus return in the end times. Context would more clearly favors salvation.
13 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether it be to the king as supreme, 
One wonders if verse 12 is the end of one phrase, the beginning of another, or both - a transition, like a scaffold. It would seem both. 

So, how can we “have our conduct honorable among the Gentiles?” This is where Peter just takes off. What’s the first word in verse 13? Submitting is the twin brother to Suffering in Peter’s epistle. The concise list includes 2:13-3:7. What does this list include?
  • Every ordinance of man FOR THE LORD’S SAKE.
  • king, governors, 
  • all men, the brotherhood, God, the King. 
  • Servants to masters
  • THE WHY. 2:20-25.

Submit to the governing authorities. There is no subtext here. In other words, Peter isn’t trying to underhandedly use an example in one of his churches. 

FOR THE LORD’S SAKE. This is the foundation for our actions. We are  submitting as ambassadors of Christ. I can confidently use this phrase because of the unity of Scripture, and because we have seen that Peter must have also been directly reading Paul or hearing him.

How many of us have spent any length of time in another country? 
14 or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. 
15 Because, this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men, 
Peter reiterates that foolish/God-hating men may be put to silence by “doing good.” Obeying the law. Remember, it’s the Roman government that Peter is up against when he deals with “Gentiles.”

[Romans 13:1-5]. This is God’s will. Why? Paul answers that in Romans 13:1. There is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. 

[JUDE verse 4]

So, isn’t it interesting that we’re to put to silence the ignorance of foolish men? Look at the cop hating going on today that was once limited to bad 90s rap lyrics. Our celebrity politicians use their liberty as a cover-up for maliciousness. They use freedom for their own gain. This seems to be what Peter is getting at. We’re not to ignore what God has instituted, better yet - ORDAINED - for our good and His glory.

Riots are, dare I say, rightly (and wrongly) carried out because of government oppression, abuse, etc. However you see riots, the violent ones (most of them) are animal wars, good or bad. It looks like apes fighting over mating rites. Does that mean we bend so far our Christianity snaps? Take a look at the Chinese church. It is a great example of obeying the law where the two meet and proper civil disobedience where it doesn’t (the meeting of the church).
16 as free, yet not using your liberty as a cover for maliciousness, but as the servants of God. 
17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Reverence God. Honor the king.
Honor all people. [Romans 13:7]
Brotherhood. [Galatians 6:10]
Fear God. [Psalm 111:10]
Honor the king. [Proverbs 24:19-21a]
SUMMARY:  Write 4 or more sentences describing specific learning from these notes.
  1. As special creations of a loving God and not cosmic accidents, we are to abstain from animalistic responses to crises. On the contrary, we are to “put our hope in God.”
  2. As part of our Christian responsibility and because we have been set apart as a holy nation, we are to submit to God-ordained human authority because we are God’s slaves. (SEE John MacArthur’s book, Slave.)
  3. As John MacArthur states, “Here is the purpose for our submission to authority, in order that we should avoid condemnation and win commendation that shuts the mouth of those obstinately set against the faith who are looking for reasons to criticize believers. Christian freedom is never to be an excuse for self-indulgence or license.”
  4. We are to treat everyone with human dignity regardless of their status, stated or unstated beliefs, or attitudes towards believers.